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A bathroom for one

A bathroom for one

Designing a bathroom is always a difficult art of compromise, mainly because we must consider the needs of all members of the household. Bathrooms for singles, however, are an exception to this rule. In this instance, the requirements of the owner and their financial resources are the key aspect, whereas the size of the bathroom itself, as well as our own imagination are the only practical limitations. Extravagant colours, futuristic designs, unusual solutions – the sky is the limit!

A bathroom for individualists

In a bathroom meant to be used by the whole family, the functionality and safety are the main priorities. When arranging a bathroom for a single person, however, the individual preferences of its owner, no matter how extravagant they may seem, are the only relevant factors. Regardless of whether we want a bathroom full of eccentric, contrasting colours and futuristic forms or merely a simple and minimalist loft interior - the choice is ours to make. Yet, it is important to remember that the room should reflect the taste and preferences of its owner as much as possible. The interior will gain an aura of individuality if we personalise it with unique accessories, such as framed posters, favourite plants or other fancy decorations. Harmonious ceramics, such as the geometric countertop washbasins or minimalist furniture will complement any original design or simply provide a basis for a bathroom that will be subsequently decorated with an even greater flourish.

Minimalist design - maximum impact

If a bathroom is meant to be used only by one person, its design does not need to include a lot of storage space. Leaving some empty space will visually enlarge the interior and as such, a simple under-washbasin cabinet will usually suffice. We should choose one that comes with drawers, as it will make storing our cosmetics much easier. A rather unusual idea, but one that is still worth considering is purchasing a wheeled cabinet, which can be moved around the bathroom freely and also become a comfortable seat if such a need arises. An elegant pillar with a large mirror mounted inside will constitute an excellent complement to the under-washbasin cabinet. We may use it to store our beauty accessories and cleaning products, but also to put some blush on before going out for the evening.

Clean bathroom within minutes

A modern single person is usually someone busy, someone who values ​​convenient solutions and does not have too much time to spare in general, let alone to clean the bathroom. For this very reason, when designing a bathroom for one, it is worth to consider choosing smooth and slightly shiny tiles...or the exact opposite. If we choose tiles with patterns, water and soap stains will not be as noticeable as they would be otherwise. Ceramics covered with a special silicon coating using CleanPro technology will prevent the formation of unsightly spots, stains and streak marks on washbasins or over-bath shower screens. Thanks to these solutions, the time that we would spend on cleaning can be used on developing our passions instead.

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