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Bathroom mirror - big or small?

Bathroom mirror - big or small?

The mirror is an indispensable element of every bathroom. We look in it during our morning routine, and while putting on make-up or shaving. But should you choose a mirror that matches the entire interior? How big should it be? Should you go for a large mirror or maybe choose a small one.

Although it might seem that there is nothing easier that choosing a mirror, it is not uncommon for people to make mistakes. Mirrors that are too large can overwhelm the bathroom interior or highlight its shortcomings (by reflecting parts you would like to hide). On the other hand, mirrors that are too small are not practical. How do you calculate the optimal mirror size?

For small bathrooms

For small bathrooms

The usual location for the bathroom mirror is the space over the washbasin. The general rule says that the mirror should not be wider than the washbasin but equal to it or slightly narrower. Therefore, before making the purchase, you should carefully measure the washbasin width as well as the height of the space above it. The lower edge of the mirror should be at least 5-10 cm above the ceramic surface. Otherwise, it will be difficult not to splash the mirror with water, and to keep it clean. The upper edge should be just below the light source. How wide should the margin be? It depends on the type of lighting. In the case of decorative light - a bit more, in the case of LED strips - the minimum distance is enough.

When measuring the mirror space, remember that it is not only the mirror, but also its frame that has to fit in there. It is especially important in the case of wide decorative frames. If there is little space, you had better give it up in favour of a narrow frame, or choose an option to glue the mirror directly to your bathroom wall - just by the tiles.

For larger bathrooms

A similar principle applies to bathrooms with two washbasins. In such a case, we can choose two mirrors - each of them as wide as the respective washbasin. A double ornamental frame will look exceptionally decorative. You can also choose a single horizontal mirror along the whole width of the countertop.

The situation is a bit different in a large bathing salon with a designated relaxation zone. In this case, apart from the mirror over the washbasin, you can also have another large vertical mirror that can show the reflection of your entire body. Regardless of the interior arrangement, a mirror mounted on a mobile frame that can be moved according to your needs can be particularly advantageous.

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